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TV makeup: learn techniques for perfect make-up in the spotlight

The small screen is a major player in the daily routine of most households. There are many different broadcasts, shows, soap operas and movies aired daily.

Becoming a Professional Make-Up Artist allows you to take advantage of many opportunities in this show business. For this reason, the Crisam Professional Make-up Academy has decided to include in the program of its annual course, an entire module dedicated to television makeup.

Like the previous macro topics, the section of lessons devoted to television makeup also consists of both a theoretical and a practical part. Each student will thus have the opportunity to enrich his or her cultural background while simultaneously learning the techniques of this type of make-up.

Classes are taught by professional teachers and Make-Up Artists, with years of experience behind them, who can convey passion, notions and specific techniques.

The television environment and its protagonists

To work in show business, it is also a good idea to know the organization of TV sets and studios. Our course is comprehensive precisely because it addresses these issues as well, explaining the composition of television crews, hierarchies, and figures involved in filming.

A Professional Make-Up Artist must know these dynamics, to know with whom and how to interact.

At the heart of TV makeup is lighting theory: it is essential that a good make-up artist be able to prevent all the flaws that a TV studio imposes on the stars on stage.

He and She: different but common techniques

During the course of demonstration and practical classes, television makeup techniques for both women and men will be analyzed.

Although they are different notions, the basics are common precisely because of the lights used in television studios.
Upon completion of this module, all students will be able to do men’s and women’s makeup for any TV show professionally and accurately.

In addition to the practical aspect, all aspiring make-up artists will be prepared under the theoretical aspect, so as to convey confidence and experience during the first interviews and castings.
By taking all the courses in the Crisam Professional Make-up Academy program, from aspiring make-up artists, one can become a Professional Make-Up Artist, equipped with technique and knowledge.

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